Tuesday, May 17, 2011

A Plethora of Topics

I've been AWOL the last two weeks - but that's not to say I haven't been brewing! Indeed I have been. Also, of the two people to comment on the previous post, I have randomly chosen a winner...and the lucky commenter is: kimesl! (I'll send you your shirt ASAP Aunt Kim! - and some beer?!). There was no favoritism either I promise - the other person who posted was my roommate. Now, let's get to the beer end of things. Of the people who I sent some of my beer two - from batch number one that is - I've heard nothing but good things. As a matter of fact many were surprised at the quality of the beer. That being said, I would like to reiterate how easy this brewing business is; really fricken easy! Furthermore, it's pretty gratifying when someone says they like YOUR beer. In that light I'm encouraging you to try brewing for yourself if you're interested!
This weekend I started a Porter, with the help of my trusted, and did I mention gorgeous?, Beer Making Assistant. It's already fermenting rapidly courtesy of more white labs yeast, this time regular old California Common Ale, 001 if you want to pick some up. The ultimate goal is to create a Coconut Porter, a clone of the Maui Brewing offering - I've honestly never had this beer but it sounded like a delicious summer brew and a great way to try something new.

The process involves a few pounds of coconut shavings roasted in the oven and then added to the beer after primary fermentation and prior to bottling. I'm pretty excited for this brew!

On the lager side of business I moved the oktoberfest to a secondary fermentor and moved it to the freezer (only way to get the temp down to 34 degrees F). Prior to the transfer however I briefly raised the temperature of the brew to 60 degrees for approximately 36 hours, what is known as a diacetyl rest. The purpose of the diacetyl rest is to allow the yeast to consume fusel alcohol which will create off-taste in the beer, a buttery or butter-scotch flavor, and more importantly can lead to some nasty headaches!

Once again I am going to put the power in your hands to vote for the next brew! Look to your right for a chance to vote on the next Upship! brew. After you vote comment on this post and I'll put your name in the hat to win a free six pack of that brew when it's ready! I've provided four choices for you again this time: George Killian's Irish Red (Clone); IPA, APA, or a Pilsner. Let the voting begin!
