Thursday, June 9, 2011

Coconut Porter is in the bottle!

And thank goodness it is! Every time I bottle I want a kegging system more and more. Or more of my big flip-top bottles - I purchased a 2 Liter flip-top last time I was at Home Brew Party and it, alongside 5 of my Grolsh bottles, put a big dent in this batch.

Eight more of those big boys and I can bottle a whole batch in them in under twenty minutes! In addition to all that, I used a 2 Liter pop bottle - not experimenting again like with the bottle of rum don't worry - I'm just going to serve that on Saturday at a little get together I'm having at my place. Instant feedback on this porter. I think it tastes great flat, so two days of carbonation can only make it better!

And, now that the equipment is all freed up I suppose it's time to...make more beer! And guess what, YOU, whoever you are, picked it. A Pilsner it will be! Winning with one vote...which is a small crowd but a crowd none-the-less. In addition to the pilsner I'm also going to run a light beer in the bucket fermenter concurrently. Yes I agree 10 gallons of beer is a lot, but then again most of you haven't met my friends. Speaking of which my two pals Oku and Hokuto have already come up with a stellar name for the light brew - Jackweiser. And so it shall be. Oh, and whoever you are that voted, send me a message so I can get you that beer! Finally, please let me account for my slower moving posts - I have "gone back to school" if you will and have little time anymore. I'm getting settled in though so I'll try to keep it a little more regular!
Until next time...

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