Monday, April 25, 2011

Temperature Controller

Acquired a new newfangled gadget today, colloquially referred to as a "freezer/refrigerator temperature controller," courtesy of This sucker plugs into a wall outlet which you then plug your fridge or freezer into; then you set the thermostat to your desired temperature and run the sensor into the fridge in a cup of water (this helps maintain a stable temperature for the sensor so it doesn't click on and off every time you open and close the door). What the unit does is open and close the power circuit to the fridge or freezer to maintain a very exact temperature - VERY useful for lagering. Especially if you don't have access to an Alpine Cave - or so they say in Home Brewing for Dummies. I've put my good friend Andrew out in the field (he's a pretty badass electrician) to see about the possibility of making these units at home - if it's possible I'll put his how-to up for all to see! Anyway, here is a shot of the unit:
Tomorrow - Oktoberfest!

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