Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Time to bottle?!

It has been 1 week, precisely, since the beer went into the carboy - so this afternoon I took a sample using a very high tech turkey baster:

The  hydrometer indicated a specific gravity of 1.015 - the intended final specific gravity according to the recipe was 1.012 so it's either done, or very very close to being done! I will keep tabs on it the next few days taking samples each day to monitor the final gravity - if it seems like it has stabilized then I believe I will bottle this weekend! It just so happens that I have a special "Bottling Assistant" here to help out this weekend, so that would be perfect! If I were to bottle now, the calculate ABV (alcohol by volume) would be just a hair under 4%.

A Lesson-to-learn-from:  acquire a "wine/beer thief" or turkey baster to use for taking samples of the beer for specific gravity readings.

Quick push to remind people to VOTE for the next Upship! Brew.

- Jack

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